Painting Contractor in Silverdale

Quality Painting contractor ServinG Silverdale, WA

Everyone needs to paint their home's exterior to keep their home from failing from the inevitable rainy weather we could encounter on a day-to-day basis. Count on Harbor Quality Painting, LLC serving Silverdale, WA, where we go above and beyond the call to work and do everything to work side by side with you to add protection, curb appeal, and value to your home with the *Best possible price*.


No matter what surface your home is, paint eventually decreases its effectiveness in protecting your home. It, therefore, allows all nine months of rainy Washington weather, insects, with sunlight comes bleaching of your exterior siding, and other unideal natural occurrences to take a toll on your home. Not to mention protecting the things that can cause severe damage like water leakage with immediate attention using high-grade caulk. Walls, wood, and metal have their drawbacks when they lack a protective coat like paint. Metal rusts and corrodes, wood warps and scratches, and walls chip and crack after 5 - 10 years of a good quality paint job. With our recommended paint that we hand-pick for your specific home, we can help it last upwards of 15 years while taking the additional time. 


The first thing buyers look at when touring a potential home is the aesthetics. An outdated-looking home will never match the aesthetic pleasure of a freshly painted home with fantastic color selections. You would be surprised at how many thousands of dollars more you could sell your home for when sealing up small cracks and have a great paint job with the right colors to hide small details that could cost you. Tack on with the filling of dents and holes and your home is instantly valued at a higher price.

Modern House Exterior — Gig Harbor, WA — Harbor Quality Painting, LLC


Insects affect more than just your home's exterior, and without proper maintenance, your home is exposed to termites and other insects that will make a home of their own if given a chance. Protect your home from these invaders by hiring a professional company to caulk, seal, paint and protect the exterior to help keep your interior safe.

House at Night — Gig Harbor, WA — Harbor Quality Painting, LLC


The exterior is what everyone sees first, so you want to make a good impression as it will pay off. If you wish to bring up the appeal to match the rest of the neighborhood or satisfy your wants, many things can be fixed with a quick pressure wash. If that hasn't fully completed the job, two fresh coats of paint are sure to hide any obvious issues or mistakes from previous workers.

House Siding — Gig Harbor, WA — Harbor Quality Painting, LLC


As the average paint typically lasts 3-7 years, with proper maintenance, your siding can last 20-40 years without being replaced. If, however, your home is neglected well past the recommended date and you see noticeable signs of paint failure such as peeling paint or cracks, you shouldn't wait. Waiting too long can ruin your chance of repainting and cost you triple the amount to paint! Investing in a fee of professional painting gives long-lasting results that keep your siding intact to prevent a disastrous cost of replacing your whole exterior.


The paint on the inside of your home is more than just decorative. Paint protects your interior from harsh natural occurrences that stem from things like water while giving you the option to turn your house into a home, all with the interior colors hand selected by you and our professional color consultants.

Beautiful Wall Paint — Gig Harbor, WA — Harbor Quality Painting, LLC


One of nature's beauties is the weather. Unfortunately, with these joys comes drawbacks. With rain comes leakage, and with warmth and sunlight comes mold and insects. Washington weather, insects, and other unideal natural occurrences take a toll on your home. Unfortunately, we experience more weather than most, with our nine months out of the year being the rainy season. To make matters worse, most indoor walls are made of materials that absorb moisture.

Modern Living Room — Gig Harbor, WA — Harbor Quality Painting, LLC


We know that a happy home creates a happy family, which is why we take a personal interest in your home to create the exact ambiance you are looking for on any occasion. Utilize every service we offer, including a free color consultation on a schedule that works with you. We handpick colors that are professionally approved for your area to give you the best result with both the natural colors in and around your home and give you the confidence that your money is well spent on the correct colors that you love. Our consultants take color psychology, color design theories, personal preferences, and current trends into consideration before offering their selection of colors for final approval.


Harbor Quality Painting, LLC serving Silverdale, WA, can be reached at 253-310-7690. Call our team of skilled painting professionals today.

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